Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life Venting: Live & Gain the Knowledge of Life

Since I'm still trying to develop SheSoAmbitious I thought of a new section for you guys.

I will like to name this section the "Life" section of SheSoAmbitious, being that this blog does involves the things that surrounds the young ambitious one life. Basically, the "Life" section will sum up general life problems that takes place in our life journeys and much more life concerning issues.

For those of you who don't know the reason I haven't been updating as much is because of my little getaway to Atlanta, Georgia and being busy. I love taking trips and getting away. Going away usually gives me an escape from reality and most importantly I have ME time. While I also enjoy the time that I spend by myself to my destinations (China may have been too much time though lol) because I do a great amount of thinking and talking to God---Well I'm trying to listen more actually.

In life, sometimes we live without clearing our minds and we surround ourselves with so much noise that we can't hear what God is trying to tell us. One of my sayings is "The best conversations are the ones we have in silence." I feel it is good to just live life, but if you don't take the time to digest a moment and analyze life you may miss a piece of knowledge that may kill or better your future. Think about a old wise person you know.......when they speak to you about life it's based on what they have learned through experiences and their analysis by living life, along with watching others around them live their lives.

By living life and learning from many life lessons lately I have realize several things:
  • Watch those who you surround yourself with....they can either make you or break you.

  • It's not the Quantity of friends you have, but the quality of friends that matters.

  • Don't expect people to know how to support and treat you the way you want to be treated, by assuming they SUPPOSE TO KNOW...IF YOU NEVER TOLD THEM.

  • Never regret something that once made you smile. :-)

  • If there's no conflict in any relationship you should be concern. What makes any relationship a better one is overcoming problems. Its the pain, laughs, the good and the bad that makes the LOVE appear in any relationship.

  • Put GOD first. I think sometimes we forget God through the good, but when the bad occurs that's all we can think of and call on. This only brings us to a point when we do well in life and then something occurs, which we don't usually understand why.....Little do we know it's just God bringing us closer to him...I leave you with this....IF HE WANTS YOUR ATTENTION HE WILL GET IT!

Peace. Love. SheSoAmbitious