According to Teirra Mari people this is not a rummor. The statement given to the public from her people was this:
I was informed that 106 and Park, a source for African Americans to promote their music, have banned Teairra Mari’s song Sponsor and other projects from surfacing on their channel. No one else will report because they don’t want to put it on blast. I feel bad for the underdogs because they are not given a fair chance and its even worse when your own kind won’t promote you. What’s bad about Sponsor that overshadows any work that Lil Wayne, Ludacris, and many others have showcased on BET? Why is it, do you think, that booty shaking and such is allowed but a video by a woman encouraging others to make it is bad. Why is it that Lil Wayne can perform “Every Girl In the World” with his daughter on stage, but women artists have to be “appropriate”. I understand if they would at least let Teairra come on the show to explain the concept behind the song. It just seems like a shady business where people who have made it have certain control over those that haven’tthrough shady connections.
I know people may say “well who checkin’ for…” but what if these people actually had a chance in the business if it wasn’t so shady?
I don't really care about the song or the video, but it is somewhat of a double standard. We talking about a network who shows ghetto movies every week...Like that's all black people know. Let us not forget the other music videos they do promote. I guess they rather have the girls dance in the video and be quiet....
By the way you can checkout the video below and watch how at the end she pays with HER OWN BLACK CARD.