Oh yea, the picture???? Just my current mood and me RIGHT NOW (haha, yea I know). How about I explain with some colons:
Cup: My power drink for the night
Time: 1:06am
Pandora Station: Kirk Franklin
Mood: Carefree mix with a go-getter spirit---just one of them nights
Hmmmm....yea, tonight is Friday and I decided to stay in. I like to have dates with myself, as weird as that may sound...I like to just have some alone time. I mean I have my space to be alone most of the time, but I like to do things on my "Me Nights." For example, I like to write, listen to music, and even do little things like give myself a mani & pedi. I believe time to yourself gives you the opportunity to explore your ideas and thoughts, but most importantly you learn more about who you are by exploring within.
I figure this will be a Life post because I learned some valuable life lessons this week; I don't know where to begin. Well first, I must just say I am BLESSED for the family and friends I do have. When I was younger and even now, I always had this big guard up from people (this meant family and friends) because I just always felt the potential of betrayal they can do to you. Well as I have grown I have come to realize that's the price you pay to find the good people that should be in your life.
Another great lesson I have learned this week is about FORGIVENESS. Boy, isn't that word powerful? I mean we all say we may forgive someone, but do we really? I recently have witness someone in my life who haven't said the words "I forgive," but from their actions it is clear they forgiven someone who caused a great amount of damage in their lives. Honestly, I have witness another close person in my life who forgiven someone as well who has hurt them. What I come to realize although they say God forgive us all the time for our sins and wrongdoings, so we should forgive others is not the only reason why we should forgive.......
We should forgive because forgiveness is not only for the person who hurts us, but it is for us! When you TRULY forgive you are no longer the victim or holding on to some baggage that has been holding you down. Recently, a friend said to me "...maybe you don't hate me," in which I kind of chuckle to myself thinking Thank God I don't hate you. What I meant by that is thank God I don't hate them because if I did I would be a miserable person, the bitter young girl I used to be, and just another individual holding on to some baggage I don't need. So, on that note just forgive because it's a benefit you give to yourself.