I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!! So much has been going on and I will like to share. Let's see....life is picking up I recently started a new job, but real estate and marketing will always remain with me. This new job is a little more work intensive so my blogging has went downhill sadly, but checkout my
Tumblr I update it more often through my Blackberry.
As for the personal life, just say a lot...good and bad. Good that I'm starting to embrace more of what should be embraced about life, bad as in people will be people. I feel like the more God gives me the more I have to watch my back. I'm starting to realize people will use you and back-stab you, BUT if you prepared like I am through experiences....You learn how to protect yourself. I learned to watch what I say around people and I recognize people will always TALK. Knowing that people love to talk I learn to always give people something to talk about because they going to talk anyways...and that my friends my mother taught me.
On the career and goals side of things......I shake my head as I type this. Why? Because the pressure is on at this point in my life. Many may have heard me say "The most intense pressure is what I call my own," simply because I feel like no one has ever put as much pressure on me compared to the pressure I put on myself. Tonight on my way home I tweeted something very interesting, as well as something I've learned to take some pressure off my back. I tweeted:
Sometimes to take the pressure off...I have to remind myself....I'm only 22 and I have already done things people will not do in a lifetime. Then a Twitter follower responded saying how they also have to do the same at times, in which I responded back by tweeting:
People try to remind us we have our whole life in front of us, but then they also say tomorrow isn't promise....I'm started to realize it's how you want to live your life. People are going to say a lot things in life, but understand you have one life to live...If you listen to people you may regret many of your life decisions. Yeah, you may regret somethings in your life because of choices you personally made, but I will feel more comfortable blaming myself than someone else for where I end up in life.
I love you guys for continuing to check-in I wish I was more consistent with my blogging. I'm not making no promises, but I will post when I can...So to keep up with me more make sure you checkout my
Tumblr more often....
Stay up and Stay Ambitious...Peace. Love. Respect.